Where have I known you before
Enr. en juillet / août 1974 (Where...) et janvier 1975 (No mystery)
Infos complémentaires
Guitare électrique :
Dimensions : 41 min. 29 sec. + 43 min. 07 sec.
Importance matérielle : 2 d.c.
Importance matérielle : 1 livret 8 p.
Titre : Vulcan worlds , Where have I loved you before , The Shadow of Lo , Where have I danced with you before , Beyond the seventh galaxy , Earth juice , Where have I known you before , Song to th Pharoah kings , Dayride , Jungle waterfall , Flight on the newborn , Sofistifunk , Excerpt from th First Movement of Heavy Metal , No mystery , Interplay , Celebration suite part I , Celebration suite part II