Irish Traditional Pub Music
Infos complémentaires
Flûte :
Dimensions : 1 h. 09 min. 33 sec.
Importance matérielle : 1 d.c.
Importance matérielle : 1 feuillet
Titre : Lucy Campbell / Sixteen Ninety One , The Red knickers / Sixteen Ninety One , The First house in Connaugh - The Copper plate / Sixteen Ninety One , Down the broon - Morning dew - Bucks of Oranmore / Castle Ceili Band , Rinne me Smaointeadh - Im intinn / Sixteen Ninety One , Humours of Ennistymon / Castle Ceili Band , The Banks of Claudy / Sixteen Ninety One , Tempest / Castle Ceili Band , Sonny Brogan's favourite - Sand mount / Castle Ceili Band , Babes in the wood - Des O'Connor / Castle Ceili Band , The Larks march / Castle Ceili Band , Bantry Bay - O'Callaghan's / Castle Ceili Band , The Green groves - The Flowers of Red Hill / Sixteen Ninety One , Ta Mo Chmeamnas deanta / Sixteen Ninety One , Peadar Clancy's - Keash Mountain - Coleman's cross / Castle Ceili Band , An Coulin / Castle Ceili Band , Once I had a true love / Sixteen Ninety One , Mazurka set / Castle Ceili Band , Kid on the mountain - Hardiman the fiddler / Castle Ceili Band , Connemara storking - Jackson's - Tear the calico / Castle Ceili Band , Tomin Adea / Castle Ceili Band , One stary night / Sixteen Ninety One , The Widow's lament / Sixteen Ninety One , The Virgin Mary / Sixteen Ninety One , The Battle cry of monster - O DOnohues march / Castle Ceili Band