Cool jazz, New York 1947-1949
Infos complémentaires
Langue originale :Anglais
Chef d'orchestre :
Public :Adultes
Langue de l'expression :Anglais
Importance matérielle : 2 disques compacts
Importance matérielle : 1 livret
Titre : Four and one moore , Four brothers , Early autumn , Sound Lee , Intuition , Sax of a kind , Jungle love , Pat , Sleepy bop , Afternoon in Paris , You to go to my head / Closing theme , On a planet , Kilroy is here , Long island sound , Dance of the Octopus , Aishie , These foolish things , Yardbird suite , La paloma , Robbin's nest , Blues petite , I want a little girl , Focus , What is this thing calles love ? , Goldchild , Indicative/Announcement/Move , Boplicity , Moondreams , Bop, look and listen , In a beautiful mood , Pam , Donald Jay , Slow , Gold rush , Lestorian mode , Bye bye blues