Mae West
Infos complémentaires
Langue originale :Français
Scénariste :
Public :Adultes
Langue de l'expression :Français
Dimensions : 26 cm
Importance matérielle : 1 vol. (31 p.) , 2 disques compacts (48 min 25 s, 54 min 04 s)
Titre : I want you I need you , Love is the greatest thing , If I could be with you (One hour tonight) , Pardon me for loving and running , I'm in the mood for love , My daddy rocks me , Klondike Annie , Go west young man , Criswell predicts , Slow down , My little chikadee , All of me , Havana for a night (Verada tropical) , A Guy what takes his time , My man Friday , Pecado (Sin) , Put it off until tomorrow , Come up and see sometime , They call me sister honky tonk , Frankie and Johnny , Frankie and Johnnie , Imaginery love , She done him wrong , That's all brother, that' all , Belle of nineties , Going to town , I'm no angel